Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What's love got to do with it?

I gave up smoking last month.  I wasn't really much of a smoker, I was smoking anywhere between five and seven cigarettes a week.  I gave it up because I got tired of cigarettes going stale on me. 
The wife had a similar habit and she gave it up out of guilt.  Now our long car rides are mostly silent punctuated by short bursts of anger. 
Wife:  This song is like a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Me:  What do you mean?
Wife:  A self-fulfilling prophesy is a prophesy that becomes true simply by being made.
Me:  That's not what I meant.  You're lucky you didn't catch a smack for that.
Wife:  YOU'RE lucky I didn't catch a smack for that!
Me:  Ah, marriage without cigarettes...