Thursday, July 10, 2008

Things get broken- things get damaged

Yesterday at the kid's boutique I did some shop maintenance. There were some lightbulbs that needed to be replaced, so my boss showed me this ingenious contraption- a long pole with a suction cup at the end, so that you can remove & replace lighbulbs without a ladder.

Enthralled, I changed one, and then went to change the other. But the second one wasn't turning on. I tried threading it loosely. I tried threading it more tightly. I tried threading it at every angle known to God.

"We have an electrical problem," I informed my manager. "The lightbulb won't turn on-- no matter what I do."

She told me to try harder. So I did. Again- looser, tighter, every angle known to God. Finally I realized I had been using the old lighbulb.

First, the manager made a job about how easy it is to get a college degree today. Then she made a blonde joke.

I am not a blonde.